Resume / Carrier

I have been working for more than 35 years in the R&D and R&I (I stands for Innovation) laboratories of international companies, as an R&D engineer, as a senior R&D engineer or as a team leader. My main underlying domain of expertise is Computer Science and Software Engineering. I graduated a PhD at Université de Rennes 1 in Computer Science (1991).

Since 1987, I have been involved in image and video algorithmic activity (parallelization / optimization, which was the topic of his PhD thesis – computer graphics), in MPEG-2 streams transport, decoding, signalization and meta-data insertion. I spent some time in data mining activities, leading a research work package for three years. I then worked on user experience and digital TV topics. I then came back to computer graphics, OpenGL and glsl. During all these years, I have developed high level applications as well as embedded software and contributed to libraries software in many different frameworks, OS and system environments.

Since 1992, I have been involved in French (FP) and European (EP) funded projects. I participated to projects Prometeus (driving safety, EP), Domus Videum (video recommendation, FP), Pelops (Sports editing, WP Leader, EP), aceMedia (smart content, WP Leader, Thomson multimedia representative, EP), and Quareo (video analysis & recommendation, WP Leader, FP). Up to mid-2022, I have also been the main inventor of- or a contributor to- 36 patents families (European Patent Office)
Note: hobby time spent on Open Source programming and Archery.

I’m currently a Senior Consultant at Abylsen, working at Rennes, France.
I’m an IEEE Member.